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Index of workflow


Example output:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <workflow uri='' resource=''>EBI InterProScan</workflow>
  <workflow uri='' resource=''>DOI2PMID</workflow>
  <workflow uri='' resource=''>Genome annotation pipeline demonstrator workflow for Nucleic Acids Research</workflow>
  <workflow uri='' resource=''>Fetch Dragon images from BioMoby v2</workflow>
  <workflow uri='' resource=''>HUMAN Microarray CEL file to candidate pathways</workflow>

Create workflow


Example input:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <title>Cove NetCDF visualization</title>
    The Cove workflow reads oceanographic NetCDF data, does a simple processing
    step, writes the data out, then sends a web service message to the COVE
    visualization tool. It is a four step, sequential workflow.
  <content encoding="base64" type="binary">
  <preview encoding="base64" type="binary">

The full example input is over 800 lines long and is shown on a separate page for reference.

Example output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow uri="" resource="" version="1">
  <title>Cove NetCDF visualization</title>
  <description>The Cove workflow reads oceanographic NetCDF data, does a simple processing step, writes the data out, then sends a web service message to the COVE visualization tool. It is a four step, sequential workflow.</description>
  <uploader uri="" resource="">Don Cruickshank</uploader>
  <created-at>Wed Jan 21 15:56:19 +0000 2009</created-at>

You can also set sharing permissions when uploading workflows via the REST API.

Read workflow


Example output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<workflow uri="" resource="" version="2">
  <title>Unique tags</title> 
  <description>This workflow takes a comma separated list of tags and removes duplicate entries. Tags may have multiple words in them. An example string is "carrots,handbags,carrots,cheese".</description> 
  <uploader uri="" resource="">Don Cruickshank</uploader> 
  <created-at>Tue Mar 11 16:52:42 +0000 2008</created-at> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">example</tag> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">scampi</tag> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">design pattern</tag> 

Update workflow


Example input:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
  <title>Unique tags (updated)</title> 
  <description>This workflow takes a comma separated list of tags and removes duplicate entries. Tags may have multiple words in them. An example string is "carrots,handbags,carrots,cheese".</description> 

Example output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<workflow uri="" resource="" version="2">
  <title>Unique tags (updated)</title> 
  <description>This workflow takes a comma separated list of tags and removes duplicate entries. Tags may have multiple words in them. An example string is "carrots,handbags,carrots,cheese".</description> 
  <uploader uri="" resource="">Don Cruickshank</uploader> 
  <created-at>Tue Mar 11 16:52:42 +0000 2008</created-at> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">example</tag> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">scampi</tag> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">design pattern</tag> 

Delete workflow


Example output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<workflow uri="" resource="" version="2">
  <title>Unique tags (updated)</title> 
  <description>This workflow takes a comma separated list of tags and removes duplicate entries. Tags may have multiple words in them. An example string is "carrots,handbags,carrots,cheese".</description> 
  <uploader uri="" resource="">Don Cruickshank</uploader> 
  <created-at>Tue Mar 11 16:52:42 +0000 2008</created-at> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">example</tag> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">scampi</tag> 
    <tag uri="" resource="">design pattern</tag> 

Elements for workflow

  • id - the id of the workflow
  • title - the title of the workflow
  • description - a description of the workflow
  • type - the content type resource that describes the type of the workflow
  • uploader - the user that uploaded the workflow
  • created-at - the date/time the workflow was created (uploaded)
  • updated-at - the date/time the workflow details were last modified
  • preview - a URL to a preview size image of the workflow
  • thumbnail - a URL to a thumbnail size image of the workflow
  • thumbnail-big - a URL to a big thumbnail size image of the workflow
  • svg - a URL to a SVG of the workflow
  • license-type - the license resource that describes the licensing of the workflow
  • content-uri - a URL to download the workflow file itself
  • content-type - the mime type of the workflow file
  • content - contents of the uploaded workflow file encoded in base64
  • tags - a list of tag resources describing the workflow
  • taggings - a list of tagging resources (i.e. resources that describe tag resources in the context of the workflow)
  • versions - a list of versions of the workflow that have been uploaded over time
  • reviews - a list of reviews of the workflow
  • comments - a list of comments on the workflow
  • ratings - a list of ratings for the workflow
  • credits - a list of users/groups credited for the creation (intellectual property) of the workflow
  • attributions - a list of workflows/files to which the workflow attributes its creation
  • citations - a list of citations resources that cite the workflow in some publication
  • components - the component elements that make up a workflow's dataflow (e.g. Taverna has sources, sinks, processors, links and coordinations)
  • privileges - a list of access privileges the user requesting the workflow has for the resource
  • statistics - total viewings and downloads for the workflow, including a further breakdown into those accessed directly from the site and those accessed in other ways (e.g. Taverna plugin)